BHCARLibrary Wiki

Don't panic: There are a number of strategies to get around roadblocks or deadends!

I'm looking for Full Text Articles but can't find what I want: What do I do?[]

Be sure you've seen Special Topics EBSCO, Wilson Web, Proquest Psychology Journals and Topic 4 if you're looking for Full Text articles in CLC.

If you've identified citations for articles you can't read in full text, contact me directly by email to explore options, including OCLC Resource Sharing (InterLibrary Loan).

Trouble with access? Please send comments and questions to me.

Options outside CLC[]

Think of this as a suggestive, not an exhaustive, list of ideas:

  • material not included elsewhere among our resources can frequently be obtained by inter-library loan (ILL) through OCLC Resource Sharing. Please send comments and questions to me.
  • sometimes your local library may have materials you want, or access to them through a nework or consortium not duplicated inside NexLearn. Please send comments and questions to me.
  • sometimes a library will permit you do visit them in person to see resources not available in NexLearn.

Please send comments and questions to me.

I'm looking for Article citations but can't find what I want: What do I do?[]

Be sure you've seen Special Topics EBSCO, Wilson Web, and also Topic 2 and Topic 4 if you're looking for article citations in CLC.

If you've already identified citations for articles, contact me directly by email to explore options, including OCLC Resource Sharing (InterLibrary Loan).

Trouble with access? Please send comments and questions to me.

Options outside CLC[]

Think of this as a suggestive, not an exhaustive, list of ideas:

  • material not included elsewhere among our resources can frequently be obtained by inter-library loan (ILL) through OCLC Resource Sharing. Please send comments and questions to me.
  • sometimes your local library may have materials you want, or access to them through a nework or consortium not duplicated inside NexLearn. Please send comments and questions to me.
  • sometimes a library will permit you do visit them in person to see resources not available in NexLearn.

Please send comments and questions to me.

I'm looking for Full Text Books, but can't find what I want: What do I do?[]

Be sure you've seen Topic 2, Topic 3, Topic 4, Topic 5, Topic 6 and Topic 7 if you're looking for full text books in CLC.

If you've already identified citations for books, contact me directly by email to explore options, including OCLC Resource Sharing (InterLibrary Loan).

Trouble with access? Please send comments and questions to me.

Options outside CLC[]

Think of this as a suggestive, not an exaustive, list of ideas:

  • material not included elsewhere among our resources can frequently be obtained by inter-library loan (ILL) through OCLC Resource Sharing. Please send comments and questions to me.
  • sometimes your local library may have materials you want, or access to them through a nework or consortium not duplicated inside CLC. Please send comments and questions to me.
  • sometimes a library will permit you do visit them in person to see resources not available in NexLearn.

Please send comments and questions to me.

I'm looking for Book citations, but can't find what I want: What do I do?[]

Be sure you've seen Topic 2, Topic 3, Topic 4, Topic 5, Topic 6 and Topic 7 if you're looking for book citations in CLC.

If you've already identified citations for books, contact me directly by email to explore options, including OCLC Resource Sharing (InterLibrary Loan).

Trouble with access? Please send comments and questions to me.

Options outside CLC[]

Think of this as a suggestive, not an exhaustive, list of ideas:

  • material not included elsewhere among our resources can frequently be obtained by inter-library loan (ILL) through OCLC Resource Sharing. Please send comments and questions to me.
  • sometimes your local library may have materials you want, or access to them through a nework or consortium not duplicated inside CLC. Please send comments and questions to me.
  • sometimes a library will permit you do visit them in person to see resources not available in NexLearn.

Please send comments and questions to me.

I'm looking for Dissertations, but can't find what I want: What do I do?[]

Be sure you've seen our special wiki Dissertations Finding Aid as well as Topic 2, Topic 3, Topic 4, Topic 5, Topic 6 and Topic 7 if you're looking for dissertations in CLC.

If you've already identified an item you want, contact me directly by email to explore options, including OCLC Resource Sharing (InterLibrary Loan) and Dissertation Express from UMI.

Trouble with access? Please send comments and questions to me.

Options outside CLC Think of this as a suggestive, not an exhaustive, list of ideas:

  • material not included elsewhere among our resources can frequently be obtained by inter-library loan (ILL) through OCLC Resource Sharing. Please send comments and questions to me.
  • sometimes your local library may have materials you want, or access to them through a nework or consortium not duplicated inside NexLearn. Please send comments and questions to me.
  • sometimes a library will permit you do visit them in person to see resources not available in CLC.
  • some useful websites for dissertation research include: Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), and A more complete list is offered at our Dissertations Finding Aid Page on this wiki.

Please send comments and questions to me.

I'm looking for textbooks, but can't find what I want: What do I do?[]

Be sure you've seen our wiki Topic 2, Topic 3, Topic 4, Topic 5, Topic 6 and Topic 7 if you're looking for books in CLC.

If you've already identified an item you want, contact me directly by email to explore options, including OCLC Resource Sharing (InterLibrary Loan): but please bear in mind the following two points:

  • interlibrary loan can take some time to obtain- 2 weeks is not unusual
  • loaning libraries are not likely to loan a book for the entire period of a term (whether 8 weeks, or 16 weeks long). Loans average about 3 weeks, but may be slightly longer or shorter; the loaning library, and not Carroll, makes that decision!

Trouble with access? Please send comments and questions to me.

Options outside CLC Think of this as a suggestive, not an exaustive, list of ideas:

  • material not included elsewhere among our resources can frequently be obtained by inter-library loan (ILL) through OCLC Resource Sharing. Please send comments and questions to me.
  • sometimes your local library may have materials you want, or access to them through a nework or consortium not duplicated inside NexLearn. Please send comments and questions to me.
  • sometimes a library will permit you do visit them in person to see resources not available in NexLearn.
  • purchase is the standard option for students to obtain texts. Among options (including your own local bookstore), Carroll recommends (but does not require),,, and

Please send comments and questions to me.
